Friday, November 19, 2010

~Thieves~ Chapter 14 section 2

 Types of Sediment.

Sediment Origins.

1. How are sediments classified by origin?
    - they are classified as lithogenous, biogenous, hydrogenous, and cosmogenous.
2. What are the characteristics and relative abundance of sediments based on their classification by origin?
     *- Lithogenous sediments come from the land (from Greek lithos meaning stone, and latin generare meaning to produce).
     *- Biogenous sediments originate from organisms (from the Greek bios meaning life, and generare meaning to produce).
     *- Hydrogenous sediments result from chemical reactions within seawater (from the greek word hydro meaning water).
      *-Cosmogenous sediments come from outer space (from the Greek kosmos meaning space).

Every First Sentence
*"Scientsist learn a great deal by classifying sediments based on where they originate."

Visuals and vocabulary.

This is a Biogenous Sediment.
Most of the sediments come from planktonic organisms. examples would be limestone or silica remnants.  They are most plentiful when there is a lot of productivity and not a lot of other types of sediments.

This is an example of an Lithogeous Sediment. This type of sediment is caused when water erodes land. You can usually find these sediements around continents or islands. Particles of the land become broken down and carried out into the ocean.

*-Meteorite: a meteor that strikes the ground.
*-Microtektites: glass particles that form when a large meteorite impacts on Earth.
*- Terrigenous sediment: (also know as lithogenous sediments) sediment that originates on land, primarily though erosion carrying particles into the sea.
*-Siliceous: silicon containing.
*-Calcareous: calcium carbonate containing.
*-Meteors: material entering the Earth's atmosphere from space.

Sediment sizes
1. How are sediments classified by size?
    - they are classified by grain size. the ranging in size from clay (smallest) to boulder (largest).
2. How do sediment grain size and current velocity affect the erosion and deposition of sediments?
    - they affect erosion and deposition of sediments because the smaller the particle is, the slower it takes to fall. And the larger the particle is, the faster it takes for it to fall.

Every First Sentence
*"When scientists and engineers need to study how water motion affects sediments, origin is less important than size."

Visuals and Vocabulary
*-Grain size: the diameter of an individual sediment particle.
*-Wentworth Scale: the classification of sediments by size; a boulder is the largest grain size and clay is the smallest grain size in this classification system.
*-Mud: mixture of silt and clay.
*-Well sorted sediment: sediment of primarily one-grain size, resulting when water movement in a region does not fluctuate very much.
*-Poorly sorted sediment: sediment of mixed grain sizes created when water movement changes frequently.

<-- This is an picture of a poorly sorted sediment. This rock is made up all different types of particles that are all different grain sizes.

 This is a well sorted sediment. All of the particles here are the same grain size or close to it.
<--- The wentworth scale. It shows you the classifications, sizes, and the type of rock it its.

End of Reading.
Choose True or False.
1) There are four types of ways that sediments are classified.
2)The larger the particles are sized the faster they fall and the smaller the particles are sized they will fall slower.
Multiple Choice
1)The Four type of classifications are:
    a. Well sorted sediment, Lithogenous sediment, Biogenous Sediments, & Cosmogenous Sediments
    b. Cosmogenous Sediments, Lithougenous Sediments, Hydrogenous Sedimetns & Poorly sorted sediment
    c. Lithogenous Sediment, Hydrogenous Sediment, Biogenous Sediment, & Cosmogenous Sediment.
    d. meteors, meteorites, hydrogenous sediements, and microtektites
2) Sediments that originate from land are:
     a. Biogenous
     b. Cosmogenous
     c. Hydrogenous
     d. Lithogenous
Fill In the Blank
1) The wentworth scale is classified from ______ to _________.
2) You can classify sediments by size by _____________ of the individual particle.

This section of chapter 14 was about sediments orgins and  sediment sizes. In the sediements origin description it tell you the classifications of rock. The four classifications of sediment origins are lithogenous, biogenous, hydrogenous, and cosmogenous. Lithogenous comes from land, Biogenous comes form organisms, Hydrogenous is from chemical reactions with in seawater, and Cosmogenous is from outer space.It also tells you in the other section the way they classify the size of particles based on the Wentworth Scale. They are scaled from Clay(smallest) to boulder (largest). Sediments can also be categorized by saying that they are well sorted or poorly. Which means that if they are well sorted the particles are classified as the the type of grain and the same size. if they are poorly sorted then they could be all compressed into a rock with minerals that are all dfferents sizes.

Current Research
The current research i did was on and article in the book called "Out of Africa". It talks about how scientist have been searching for a reason as to why  Carribean coral reefs were declining. It has been proven that pollution has a big part of this. They say that dust has been carried across the Atlantic from the Sahara Desert at an estimation point of more than a billion metric tons per year. Scientists say that African dust carries iron, organisms, and microorganisms. Which is why coral reefs are dying off. But at the same scientist do not know for sure but based on what they do know that can make this hypothesis.

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