Friday, December 3, 2010

~Gelogical Event Research Activity. ~


Scientist close on Earthquake Warning System

Advanced System and 'Banker's Bonus'

I think this article will be about how they will be able to detect early signs of an earthquake through technology by a certain amount of time.

Every First Sentence.
After Five years of research and experiments, Scientists working on an earthquake early warning system say they should soon be able to alert Bay Area residents as much as a minute before a distant quake reaches them.


End of Reading Questions.
The alarm system would not do anything for us.  True or False
The highest recorded Earthquake was in San Francisco with a magnitude of 7.9. True or False.

This article was about how Scientists are working to help warn people that an earthquake is about to hit their area. They are doing this by developing an ElarmS which will tell scientist the possible magnitude and the location at which it will hit. Due to this new system, they will be able to get a word out at lease one minute before the earthquake hits. They assume that this system will help to save a lot of people by giving them warning to get under something sturdy so falling objects does not hurt them. In the United States, all the test areas are in all different parts of California. 

USGS Creates Framework For National Volcano Early Warning System.

I think this article will be about how the new Warning System for Volcanoes will be able to help people evacuate and how it works.

Every First Sentence.
"-Reston, VA -- The U.S Geological Survey (USGS) has released the first ever comprehensive and systematic review of the 169 U.S volcanoes and established a framework for a National Volcano Early Warning System (NVEWS) which calls for a 24-hour seven-day-a-week Volcano Watch Office and enhanced instrumentation and monitoring at targeted volcanoes. "



End of Reading Questions.
1) Volcanoes are the biggest threat to human civilization. True or False.
2)26 vlocanoes have erupted since1980. True or False.

This article was about volcanoes and early warning systems. The editors have told us that vocanoes are the biggest threat in the world. They casue many dangerous outcomes to all civilization. Scientists are working on ways that will help them indicate when an vocano is about to erupy so that they can get word out to everyone. They believe that with enough time of notification they will be able to evacuate alot of people and the death rate due to this disaster will go down. The way they are doing this is by haveing a 24 hour 7 day a week watch out.

